On the surface, the purchase of the property at 7545 North in the heart of Old Germantown seems an unlikely investment for the homebuilder ex-alderman. So why did Mr. Uhlhorn purchase it? Could it have anything to do with the fact that the lessee, Germantown News, is under new ownership, and the editor, Mark Randall, has written on subjects that have upset the administration? As an example, one of Mr. Randall's first articles was about Alderman Massey being muted in an online BMA meeting, and Mr. Massey having to text Alderman Sanders during the meeting to ask the Mayor to unmute him. Or, is this to ensure that any Germantown Realignment proposal goes a little more smoothly next time around? Yes, this building would be destroyed if that project reared its head.
A landlord can put pressure on a tenant, so we will have to see in the future what, if any, changes occur at Germantown News. I will not speculate here, but I will be watching closely.
So how much was this worth to Mr. Uhlhorn? According the the Commercial Appeal property transfers, the cost was $353,100.
Mr. Uhlhorn looms larger than life in politics in Germantown, and has been discussed in several different contexts:
He ran an unsuccessful race for the Tennessee House a few years back.
He owns a life insurance policy that the City is still paying premiums on.
In 2008, he and his friend Mike Palazzolo admitted campaign violations in their aldermen races, as sample ballots they distributed made it appear they were endorsed by the Republican Party, when, in fact, there was no such endorsement.
He has been appointed as a commissioner to the Shelby County Election Commission.
He was one of the main donors to the "Germantown Values PAC" supporting administration candidates in the 2018 election. The PAC hired Caissa Public Strategy, who conducted illegal polling at New Bethel during that election. The firm was also exposed in a Commercial Appeal article for passing out literature at polling places that claimed the same candidates were either Democrats or Republicans, depending on the way people generally vote at that precinct.
Here Mr. Uhlhorn is shown with Mayor Palazzolo at a Tigers' game.
Here is the the Assessor's page for the property:
looks like the poliltical family schemes are not only in DC. Is there a direct line between there and here? LOL .