Saturday, April 28, 2018

Sources Say Former Houston High School Principal Cherry Failed to Report Allegations Against Choir Director

Earlier today, I posted the strange tale of the two "separate" scandals at Houston High School--When Truth is Stranger than Fiction GMSD Scandals 101

I am filling in some missing pieces in the timeline that may help explain the connection between the suspension of HHS Choir Director Billy Rayburn and the subsequent resignation of Principal Kyle Cherry. This additional information is based on conversations that I have had with two women who have direct knowledge concerning a recent allegation involving Dr. Rayburn and a female student.

According to one of the women, on April 2, she reported to Mr. Cherry that her daughter had been subjected to private comments by Dr. Rayburn of a sexual nature. Mr. Cherry told the mother that he would turn this information over to the GMSD Human Resources Department. The other woman with whom I spoke understands that, after the mother had reported the incident to Mr. Cherry, HHS employees questioned a few students about the incident. The mother followed up with Mr. Cherry, who told her that he was then ready to report the matter to GMSD HR. 

Several days elapsed, and, hearing nothing further, the mother decided she needed to call GMSD HR herself. She was surprised and angered to hear from HR that it had not recently received any report of a case involving sexual statements by a teacher at Houston High School. On April 9, the mother, accompanied by a friend (the second of my two sources), detailed for HR the incident that her daughter related to her. The HR Department suggested that the mother talk directly to Dr. Rayburn, but also gave her the option of filing a formal report. The mother felt uncomfortable with speaking directly to Dr. Rayburn, and opted for filing a formal report. Dr. Rayburn was suspended without pay on April 11, and the investigation began. The two women now understand that the GMSD HR investigation has been expanded to include incidents involving other students.

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