Thursday, January 18, 2018

Are you ready for another BMA meeting?

I thought so! 

Before I even had a chance to completely evaluate what happened at the last one, well, this coming Monday we have a follow up.

And if you thought you had heard the last of the apartment moratorium issue, you are wrong.

Because there are many citizens interested in the apartment issue, as demonstrated by the citizens who showed up for the last meeting and voted in online polls and signed a petition,  it is imperative to inform everyone that the apartment moratorium that passed on January 8 will once again have a vote this coming Monday, in the form of Dean Massey's proposed amendment: 

This is found in the agenda packet that the City provided for the meeting Monday, January 22: (The proposed changes by Massey are in red, which close some of the "loopholes" that Massey contends were in the one that recently passed.) As you can see, the amendment extends the moratorium to all mixed-use development across the whole city, and applies to projects that may have had a limited level of approval before a Board.  

Added 1-19--  The other red-lined versions of this proposed amendment are based on the original moratorium proposed at the last BMA meeting. Here is the red-lined version of the Alderman Massey's proposed amendment with the version that passed at the last BMA meeting.

If you want the moratorium approved last BMA meeting strengthened, or, if you don't, I suggest you email the aldermen

And, if you wanted to speak at the last BMA meeting, and were unable to because of the lack of Citizens to Be Heard forms, you now have another opportunity.  Again, here is the form if you would like to print it and take it with you.


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