Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Challegers' Late Notice Leads to Imbalanced "Forum"

Honestly, I am at a loss for words over this. 

And now that I have learned that three incumbents knew of this Forum weeks earlier than the the challengers, I am outraged (it is essential to see underlined update below, which gives a lot more information on this than the Commercial Appeal article).

A Forum of candidates was planned so late that one of the five is unable to attend due to a previously planned out of town business meeting. Yet they went ahead with it anyway? From what I get from this Commercial Appeal article, the emcees were more important than the candidates, which led to the late notice.  

I am sure the emcees are sort of important, but not as important as giving adequate notice to the candidates. There are certainly substitute emcees, but not substitute candidates.

Once a candidate could not attend, due to the late notification (less than two weeks), the Forum should have been rescheduled. If that was impossible, it should have been cancelled. If it was not cancelled, all of the candidates should have refused to attend.  

Kudos to Dean Massey for refusing to participate, when David Nischwitz was unable to attend due to inadequate notice.  

I have no idea why the other candidates did not follow suit. 

It is interesting to note that the organization responsible for this "Forum" was the Leadership Germantown Alumni Association. 

Here is a list of Leadership Germantown Alumni:   

All three of the participants who chose to participate in this Forum without other candidates present are graduates of Leadership Germantown.  Neither of the challengers are affiliated with Leadership Germantown.

One wonders if there would have been a greater effort to reschedule this Forum had it been one of these graduates unable to attend due to the late notice.  

This Forum was not on the City Calendar until one or two days prior to the forum.  Yet the forum for the School Board candidates was shown on the city calendar much earlier. Why was this?  

Adding this: A reliable source has informed me that a Leadership Germantown Alumni newsletter went out to all graduates on August 11, informing them of the dates. The incumbents, who are all Leadership Germantown alumni (who would have received the newsletter), had several more weeks notice of this "Forum" than the challengers, who are not Leadership Germantown Alumni candidates.

Judge for yourselves.


  1. Sounds awfully fishy! The good ole boy thing. I just want my city back, but unfortunately it is probably too late. Had someone in from out of town and we were on Poplar and he commented about Whole Foods and the Mattress store being so close to the street. Looks so tacky!!!

  2. Have you been able to get a copy of the newsletter or have you been able to get a comment from the LGAA? It is disappointing to the association stoop to this level.

  3. Yes, I did finally get a copy of the newsletter and I posted it to a later blog! Sorry I did not post these comments earlier. They did not come to my inbox so I did not see them until yesterday.
