Monday, January 9, 2017

Zoning Changes Tabled--To Be Discussed at Retreat

Thank you, Germantown citizens, for your calls and emails!
Tonight I arrived at City Hall, with my well-timed three minute speech in hand, and took a seat. The agenda was announced...........and modified. The package of zoning changes that I was prepared to speak against had been tabled in its entirety in the Executive Session, to be discussed at the BMA retreat in February.  At that point, it may be sent back to the Planning Commission.

Thank you, Germantown citizens, for your emails and calls to our aldermen.  We truly made a difference!  Keep alert, as we are going to see this ordinance come up again shortly, most likely modified if they do as they say and try to involve homeowners' associations.  

Please look at my other posts about this, because the history of this is pretty scary. We came very close to being saddled with zoning changes that were grossly misrepresented by the City administration.  

Major Proposed Zoning Changes, a Public Hearing, and Nobody Came   

Bars and Liquor Stores, in "Transition" T4 Zoning

And thank you, Board of Mayor and Aldermen, for doing the right thing. Now I can go watch the football game!


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