Sunday, October 16, 2016

Aldermen Candidate Interviews and Positions on New School Location

Since we had no real candidate Forum, due to the late notice of the date to the challengers by Leadership Germantown Alumni Association (discussed here), I thought it would be a good idea to link all the candidate interviews on GMT in one location.  

One thing they were all asked about is the proposed school location on Winchester and Crestwyn. Since that is a current topic, I note where each of them discuss that particular issue, and my summary.  However, please listen to them rather than rely on my summary.

Dean Massey (challenger) vs. David Klevan (incumbent)  

Dean Massey discusses the school issue at approximately the six minute mark. People need to be given notice sooner. He criticizes the late notice at the BMA meeting. He hears that any time there is an important issue, it is brought up at the last minute, so that the people's voices are not heard. He would rather that decisions made by driven by citizen wishes and input rather than from the top down. Later at the eleven minute mark he talks about the 3G's (Germantown High, Middle, and Elementary). If we could get those back, it would reinvigorate the city--they were the heartbeat of the city.

Dave Klevan discusses the school location issue at approximately nine and a half minute mark. Many people will be involved in the decision for the location--it won't be put where he personally wants it. He says that we can talk about the late notice given for the vote on this location, and then does not talk about it. The BMA manages the funds for schools and makes sure we are not school rich and tax poor. The Riverdale expansion is wonderful. He says we are risking just one hundred dollars to look at this one location (Winchester/Crestwyn) and see if it is appropriate, during a 140 day period. 


David Nischwitz (challenger) vs. Rocky Janda (incumbent)  

David Nischwitz discusses the school location issue a little after the seven minute mark. The School Board needs to drive the decision, and he speaks of the importance of the School Board election. He talks to the citizens to see where they want the school.  Nischwitz wants the 3Gs back. Winchester Road is a poor location. Fogelman's properties (where he is employed) on Hacks Cross within two miles of the Winchester location has one of the highest crime rates of all Fogelman properties across the southeast. The Crestwyn property would be better as a commercial development.

Rocky Janda discusses the school location issue at approximately the ten minute mark. Any place we put the school would have some issues. The Winchester location is not the best location, but it may be the only location for a school. It does seem to meet all the criteria. It could be the best location if as a result of de-annexation the Windyke area is annexed into Germantown. In any case, the location is a School Board decision, not a BMA decision, as the BMA is only the funding arm. He will be concerned about the funding of the school after the School Board makes a decision.


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